Below I’ve documented the Dream Team player stats for every Liverpool player from last season. This should be useful when planning a team for next time around as old stats never appear for long on the Dream Team website. Embed from Getty Images Player Points Games Played Goalkeepers Mignolet 74…
Overall Points: 2,275 Overall Rank: 467 Overall I was delighted with a top 500 finish for the season. This helped me to win the two mini leagues I entered into and documenting the whole process via this blog has been fascinating. This season was the first season I’ve made a…
GW Points: 28 Overall Points: 2,275 Overall Rank: 467 Transfers: Stones Out, Cahill In, Kane Out, Costa In With only two cup finals in game week 38, there were not many points up for grabs. I avoided making any transfers for Man Utd players as I wasn’t sure if they…
Creating and documenting the progress of my team over the course of the season has been an thoroughly enjoyable process and I hope many of you have found it useful. As the season draws to an end it seems like a good time to reflect on the blog and consider…
GW Points: 161 Overall Points: 2,247 Overall Rank: 537 Transfers: None used Game week 37 was by far my best week of the season with 161 points scored. This result bumped the team up significantly in the overall rankings with a top 1,000 finish now looking almost certain. I also…
GW Points: 67 Overall Points: 2,086 Overall Rank: 976 Transfers: Aguero Out, Hazard In Another fairly average week drew in 67 points. This once again kept the team within the top 1,000 teams in the game. The week was pretty much saved by Sanchez and Azpilicueta who both scored over…
GW Points: 31 Overall Points: 2,019 Overall Rank: 922 Transfers: None used Before checking the team’s overall rank, I’d assumed this week had been a disaster. To my surprise the team had actually climbed slightly in the overall rankings. Luckily for me, De Bruyne picked up 17 points against Palace…
GW Points: 72 Overall Points: 1,988 Overall Rank: 999 Transfers: Ibrahimovic Out, Kane In With a number of injuries picked up in previous weeks and only one transfer left for the month, game week 34 was always going to be a struggle. I transferred in Kane for Ibrahimovic and was…
With the last month of the season approaching, it’s a good time to look at upcoming fixtures for May and plan any transfers in advance. Below I’ve looked at the top 7 teams in the Premier League and sorted them in terms of teams with the best fixtures: Embed from…
GW Points: 50 Overall Points: 1,916 Overall Rank: 828 Transfers: None used Game week 33 turned out to be an awful week in terms of injuries. With both Ibrahimovic and Rojo picking up serious looking injuries in the Europa League, this not only ruled them both out for the weekend…
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